Ensemble Health Partners

Value Estimator

How’s your financial health?

Let’s run the numbers.​

Enter your organization’s standard metrics below.​

Find out how significant your annual revenue and cash acceleration opportunities may be.​
Annual Gross Revenue
Annual Net Patient Revenue
POS Collections as % of NPR

First-Pass Denial Rate

Discharges Not Submitted to Payor (DNSP) Days

Payment-to-Charge Rate

Estimated Annual Net Revenue Lift
Recovery Scenario High Mid Low
Charge Capture
Clinical Documentation
Coverage Discovery
DRG Validation
Final Denials
Patient Status/Utilization
Estimated Total
Net Revenue Lift
Net Revenue Lift %
Estimated One-Time Cash Acceleration
Recovery Scenario High Mid Low
Improved POS Collection
Fewer First-Pass Denials
Reduction in DNSP
Estimated One-Time Cash Acceleration

Estimated Annual Net Revenue Lift

Annual Gross Revenue
Annual Net Patient Revenue
POS Collections as % of NPR

First-Pass Denial Rate

Charge Lag Days

Payment-to-Charge Rate

Estimated Annual Net Revenue Lift
Recovery Scenario High Mid Low
Charge Capture
Clinical Documentation
Coverage Discovery
Final Denials
Patient Status/Utilization
Estimated Total
Net Revenue Lift
Net Revenue Lift %
Estimated One-Time Cash Acceleration
Recovery Scenario High Mid Low
Improved POS Collection
Fewer First-Pass Denials
Reduction in Charge Lag Days
Estimated One-Time Cash Acceleration

Estimated Annual Net Revenue Lift

Estimates are based on previous Ensemble assessment findings, HFMA, HBI and NAHAM industry benchmarks.
This is not an exhaustive list of potential revenue lift and cash acceleration opportunities.
To discuss these results in more detail, contact an Ensemble expert at [email protected].
The information contained in this report is Ensemble Confidential Information and may not be disclosed to third parties. This information is for discussion purposes only. This report does not contain any binding obligation on behalf of any party. Ensemble assumes no responsibility for client’s or any third party’s acts or omissions based on the information in this assessment.

Estimates are based on previous Ensemble assessment findings, HFMA, HBI and NAHAM industry benchmarks.

This is not an exhaustive list of potential revenue lift and cash acceleration opportunities.

To discuss these results in more detail, contact an Ensemble expert at [email protected].

The information contained in this report is Ensemble Confidential Information and may not be disclosed to third parties. This information is for discussion purposes only. This report does not contain any binding obligation on behalf of any party. Ensemble assumes no responsibility for client’s or any third party’s acts or omissions based on the information in this assessment.

Ready to supercharge your rev cycle?